This is where I share my thoughts as I’m going through (as they say in Libby’s favorite musical Hamilton) the unimaginable.
My return to work story (a.k.a. the u.s. idea of “bereavement” sucks)
Pros and cons of returning to work after loss
What’s helping my grief right now.
silver linings? really?
empty nest tales
So I Guess I’m an Orphan.
on the struggle bus
find people who have your back
it’s beginning to look a lot like…
Well, that was a disaster
Practicing gratitude in grief (pssst… it’s hard!)
the weirdness of losing a child when you’re divorced
Advice for new grievers
Acceptance - Stages of Grief Series
Depression- Stages of Grief Series
Bargaining- Stages of Grief Series
Anger - Stages of Grief Series)
Denial - Stages of Grief Series)
5 things you should definitely say to someone who’s lost a child
What should you say to someone who's grieving? As a grieving mom, I know it can be awkward. I'm going to help you to be a great support person by giving you my TOP FIVE things to say to anyone who is suffering from grief.