The Gentle Power of Movement in Grieving

Grieving, or even just feeling profoundly sad, can make even the simplest tasks feel insurmountable. It's like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, and every step feels heavy. But what if I told you that getting up and moving a bit could lighten that load? Today, I want to share why movement is so crucial during grief and offer some friendly tips to help you start when doing anything feels like too much.

Moving Matters When You're Grieving

Ever felt completely out of sync with everything around you? That's where gentle movement comes in. It can help you find a rhythm again, adding a bit of routine to your day. Starting with even the tiniest activity can build momentum, making it easier to keep going rather than sinking back into inactivity.

Rediscovering Yourself Through Movement

Grief changes you; the person you were before your loss isn't exactly the person you are now. But moving a little can evoke glimpses of your old self, offering brief moments of recognition like, "Oh, hey, it's nice to see you again." Simple activities like taking a walk, trying some yoga, or doing breathing exercises can nudge you toward feeling a bit more like yourself.

Nature's Embrace

If you can, step outside into nature. It's like receiving a big, warm hug. Getting out of your house and noticing the world around you can remind you that life is bigger than your grief and that you're still a part of this world.

Letting Your Feelings Flow

Movement isn't just physical; it can be an emotional release, too. Sometimes, without even realizing why, you might find tears streaming down your face as you move. This release of emotions is not only okay, it's healthy. It's a part of healing and reconnecting with your humanity.

Gentle Beginnings

I emphasize gentle movement because I know the word "exercise" can feel daunting, especially when you're grieving. If you're someone who used to love exercising, you might not need this advice. But for many of us, the thought of starting an exercise routine while grieving feels overwhelming. So, start simple. Let making your coffee be an opportunity for a little stretch or take a brief walk around the block. The key is to start small.

Embrace Inconsistency

Your energy levels will fluctuate greatly when you're grieving, and that's perfectly okay. Some days, just getting out of bed is a victory. Let your physical activity match your energy levels, and don't beat yourself up for inconsistency.

Finding Your Movement

You might find comfort in following along with gentle exercise videos online or perhaps taking a slow walk in your neighborhood. Try to stay present during these activities, really feeling each breath and step. This mindfulness can deepen the healing process.

Sharing the Journey

Consider finding a friend or a pet to join you in your movement journey. Having a buddy can provide both motivation and accountability, making it less likely you'll skip your activity. Plus, sharing this time can offer emotional support, making the journey a bit easier.

The Importance of Routine

Eventually, you might find that this gentle movement becomes a part of your routine, something you might even look forward to. It can offer a sense of normalcy in a world that feels anything but normal.

Remember, every small step, every deep breath, is a reminder that you're moving forward, and with time, things will get a little easier. We're in this together, one step, one breath, one small movement at a time.

Watch the video version of this post HERE:


Two years


Embracing a Digital Detox: Simplifying Life and Nurturing Grief